Join our Mother’s Day performance: Present your favorite songs to your mother, grandmother, or woman you love! This performance is a present from Piano Village, Free of Charge.
All performers are eligible to enter our Father’s Day Music Festival, for full feedback, points, and prizes!
Mother’s Day Round 1
Present a song of your choice from your repertoire.
Total: 10 points
Father’s Day Round 2
Present and play your own composition, and 1 more song from your repertoire.
Composition quality: 10 pts
Melody and harmony flow: 10 pts
Performance accuracy: 10 pts
Adding and singing lyrics: Extra 5 pts
2nd song from repertoire: 30 pts
Manners and etiquette: 10 pts
Audience voting: 20 pts
Total: 90 pts (+5)
First Prize: 90-105 pts
2nd Prize: 80-89 pts
3rd Prize: 70-79 pts
Honorable Mention: 60-69 pts
Top 6 scores will receive the Grand Prize

First three prize honors will be invited to give a live public performance, and you will be honored on the website. Points and prizes are awarded to students of any and all levels. Father’s Day Festival registration fee: $35 to via paypal (choose “Friends and Family” or add $4 service fee) before May 10th . After May 10th, the fee will be $40